안녕하세요 (ღˇ◡ˇ*)♡
티스토리 구독자 여러분들 :)
요즘 날씨가 정말 많이 추워졌어요 (つ︿◕。)
모두모두 건강 유의하시고
감기와 코로나 조심하시길 바라요 ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
오늘 제가 추천해 드리고 싶은 노래는
자존감을 뿜뿜하게 만들어주는 팝송하면
생각나는 노래들 중 빼놓을 수 없는 노래인데요~
바로 Lizzo의 Juice입니다 ୧( “̮ )୨✧
신나는 멜로디와 함께 자존감 뿜뿜하는 가사가
너무나도 매력적인 노래랍니당 (♥ω♥ ) ~♪
Juice - Lizzo
Mirror mirror on the wall
Don't say it
'cause I know I'm cute
Ooh baby
Louis down to my drawers
LV all on my shoes
Ooh baby
I be drippin' so much sauce
Gotta been looking like Ragu
Ooh baby
Little like a crystal ball
That's cool baby so is you
That's how I roll
If I'm shiny
everybody gonna shine
Yeah I'm gold
I was born like this
don't even gotta try
Now you know
I like chardonnay
get better over time
So you know
Heard you say
I'm not the baddest bitch
you lie
Ain't my fault
that I'm out here gettin' loose
Gotta blame it on the Goose
Gotta blame it on my juice baby
Ain't my fault that
I'm out here makin' news
I'm the pudding in the proof
Gotta blame it on my juice
Blame it on my juice
blame it blame it on my juice
Blame it on my juice
blame it blame it on my juice
No I'm not a snack at all
Look baby
I'm the whole damn meal
Ooh baby
Baby you ain't bein' slick
Don't dare try to cop a feel
Ooh baby
The juice ain't
worth the squeeze
If the juice don't look like this
Like this like this like this
Huh nigga please
don't make me have
to take your bitch
How I roll
If I'm shiny
everybody gonna shine
Yeah I'm gold
I was born like this
don't even gotta try
Now you know
I like chardonnay
get better over time
So you know
Heard you say
I'm not the baddest bitch
you lie
Ain't my fault that
I'm out here gettin' loose
Gotta blame it on the Goose
Gotta blame it on my juice baby
Ain't my fault that
I'm out here makin' news
I'm the pudding in the proof
Gotta blame it on my juice
Blame it on my juice
blame it blame it on my juice
Blame it on my juice
blame it blame it on my juice
Somebody come get this man
I think he got lost in my DMs what
My DMs what
You better come get your man
I think he wanna be way
more than friends what
More than friends
What you want me to say
It ain't my fault
that I'm out here gettin' loose
Gotta blame it on the Goose
Gotta blame it on my juice baby
It ain't my fault that
I'm out here makin' news
I'm the pudding in the proof
Gotta blame it on my juice
Blame it on my juice
blame it blame it on my juice
Blame it on my juice
blame it blame it on my juice

저는 개인적으로 아침에 일어났을 때,
청소할 때, 기분전환이 필요할 때
이 노래를 들으면 기운이 생기더라구요 (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑
그리고 가사에서 가장 인상적였던 부분은
나 별로라고 뒤에서 씹고 다닌다며?
라고 말할 때 보통은 그 뒤에 "어이가 없네"라던가
"자기는 얼마나 잘났다고?"라고 말할법한데
이 노래의 가사에서는 그럴 리가 없다는 듯이
거짓말 치고 있네~라고 쿨하게 받아치는 부분이
너무 인상적였어요 d=(´▽`)=b
마치 자신이 별로 일리가 없다는 자신감으로
타인의 말에 일희일비하지 않는 모습이 멋졌어요!
여러분도 이 노래 들으시면서
자기자신을 더욱더 믿고 사랑하셨으면 좋겠어요~
자신감과 자존감은 자기자신을 믿고
사랑하는데서 형성된다고 생각해요 ٩(•̤̀ᵕ•̤́๑)ᵒᵏᵎᵎᵎᵎ
저와 여러분은 존재 자체가
아름답고 소중한 사람이란 거 꼭 잊지 마세요ᰔᩚ
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